Image Post
This is an example of the Image Post Format:
This is an example of the Image Post Format:
This is an example of the Aside Post Format, which can be used to show less important posts. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Sed posuere consectetur est at […]
This is an example of the Quote Post Format:
This is an example of the Link Post Format: GavickPro Website GavickPro Documentation
This is an example of the Video Post Format:
Modification of administration panel content in GavernWP is very easy – it is based on JSON files which include a list of options. Thanks to it, creating new options available in an administration panel is very easy. Options files are in gavern/options catalog in a folder connected with a currently used language. In the catalog, […]
A section of options connected with Social API includes five groups of options: options connected with sharing at Facebook options connected with sharing on G+ options connected with sharing on Twitter options connected with sharing on Pinterest options allowing to switch on/off Social API on particular subpages. Options connected with sharing are the equivalent of […]
An advanced settings section includes settings which are connected with different aspects of GavernWP framework work: Widget rules allows to switch on this mechanism. It is recommended to switch on this option in the case when you do not need to use widgets visible on a chosen subpages. Note that it will allow to optimize […]
GavernWP has an advanced panel for managing theme’s options in an administration panel. These options have been divided into a few main groups: Basic settings Layout settings Fonts settings Navigation settings Advanced settings Shortcodes settings Social API settings Theme branding settings Back-end branding settings SEO settings Also, some additional elements generated by a framework in […]
Basic settings of GavernWP allow to specify basic parameters connected with page’s display: The first option allows to choose a color version of a theme. In this place, there may appear a few various fields depending on the conent of styles.json configuration file. There is an option allowing to switch a style-switcher after an option/options […]